perjuanganku belum lagi selesai

May 24, 2008


Ini adalah post pertama aku untuk blog aku nih.. walaupun last year dah wujud tapi tak berkesempatan untuk meng-update blog ni. Kini aku mencari sedikit sebanyak masa yang boleh diluangkan untuk kemaskini blog nih.
Blog ini akan dibuka untuk apa jua komen dan berita terkini selagi tidak melibatkan sensitiviti agama, bangsa dan Negara!!
Sebarang pendapat aku adalah bersifat umum dan tidak akan melibatkan individu disekeliling aku. Bloggers lain boleh bagi pendapat tetapi yang berkaitan dengan politik. tetapi hiburan juga boleh dimuatkan dalam blog aku nih.
Nanti bila aku dah pandai sket mengendalikan blog ni akan ku muatkan lagu dan hiburan terkini dan sensasi.. Gosip artis dalam dan luar negara akan diselitkan dari masa ke semasa.
Kalu ada yang terasa dengan penulisan aku harap dropkan mesej untuk aku secara private...
Sekian, buat masa ini...
~ M.a.r.a.M.i.e.A ~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salam.Nice blog you have.Secondly your comment in TDM blog about sangglang,yeah i think sangglang has many 'part of the story',and it will reveal many things about the real political sentiment of the rakyat after the PRU 12.Even the split in local leadership will be a factor to be counted.Who will be nominated?.Which factor he align to? Its another headache for the local leaders as well as the central.How fare will the people will be in receiving the ruling government effort in handling the price hikes in almost every items and lack of certain household goods and the 'thinning pockets' of the rakyat due to fuel price increase.Sanglang will be the immediate'mirror'whether people understand the goverment effort to safeguard the interest of the people with all the effort taken and it is well received and understood by the layman or not.It will be a more tough time now in explaining things to the layman compared with PRU 12.Sanglang wins will have a 'very possitive' meaning in many aspect ranging from the peoples acceptance of the ruling goverment and its tedious effort to safeguard the best interest of the people in this challenging time as well as the unity of the Malays in wanting and loving UMNO as in the past,as the only party that can safeguard the interest of Malays as well as other races.The return of the people's confidence in BN.

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